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Massage Therapist Kaitlin Frady stands next to the window in her studio, smiling.
Hello! I'm Kaitlin.

I am a lifelong movement and functional anatomy nerd.

I started practicing massage therapy in 2012, and concurrently embarked on the adventure of a lifetime training as a professional circus artist, aerialist, and contortionist ('s a long story!). 
As an athlete immersed in the demanding world of performance, I moved through several traumatic and chronic overuse injuries...yet, the show always went on (and I learned a lot through the process!).


Within both my movement and bodywork practices, I became deeply invested in learning as much as I could about strategies for injury prevention, recovery, and performance optimization.  This ultimately inspired me to return to school to become a licensed Physical Therapist Assistant in 2019, then complete the Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist credential in 2023.  As a rehab, movement, and bodywork professional, I have worked in multiple outpatient physical therapy and sports medicine clinics, a hospital medical-surgical unit, fitness centers, private practice massage clinics, and circus schools. 

Root & Branch Bodywork is the culmination of my mission to bridge human movement science, skilled hands-on treatment, and holistic, evidence-informed care. 


My approach to bodywork is informed by my background in movement and physical therapy, and my approach to movement training is holistic and centered on mind-body connectivity.  I am passionate about helping clients train functional movement patterns to prevent and treat injuries, address postural imbalances, and find greater ease of movement within their own bodies. 

My practice is trauma-informed, queer and trans-affirming, and celebrates neurodiversity.


My clinical specialties include the following:

  • Hypermobility Spectrum Disorders and EDS (symptom management and movement programming)

  • Specialized care for performing artists

  • Recovery, mobility, and performance optimization for athletes

  • TMJ, tension headaches, and chronic neck/shoulder tension

  • Post-concussion care

  • Movement and fitness programs for neurodivergent clients

  • Scar tissue mobilization

  • Symptom management for fibromyalgia and chronic pain



BA, Psychology & Cultural Anthropology
Evergreen State College, 2011

Massage Therapy Certification
Body Mechanics School of Myotherapy & Massage, 2012

AS, Physical Therapy
Harcum College, 2021


Circus Arts Therapy I (2013)
Nimble Arts Aerial Teacher Training (2015)
NECCA Professional Track Training Program (2015-2017)
FMT Movement Specialist (2020)

Certified Kinesio Taping Practitioner (2021)
Circus Fusion Medicine (2022)

NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (2023)

Upledger CranioSacral Therapy 1 (2024)

©2024 Root & Branch Bodywork

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